作家:天狗寺陶白人(てんぐうじ とうはくじん)

Artist: Tenguuji Touhakujin
Title: ○△□
Material: Canvas, Sumi, Enamel, Acrylic, Paper

○ は、天地一指。天地は、一本の指である。天地万物は、均しく一つである祈り。△ は、無事光明。仏教用語の無事の光。今日、無事に居られる事の素晴らしさ。□ は、清江独釣。入り江で一人、小船にのって釣り糸をたれる平安。


The Circle implies Tenchi Isshi.The sky and the earth in a single finger.All creations are single unite. The Triangle implies Buji Koumyou.Buji-no-hikari in Buddhism term. The beauty of living in the world today. The Square is Seikou Dakuchou. Peacefully, casting a fishing rod, alone on a boat, in a creek.

After displaying at the Nagi Museum of Contemporary Art, This piece was created as an addition of the previous work.
These additions were made due to these reasons and also as a prayer;
The thought of wanting to treasure the canvas, to represent time, the preciousness of the paint, the wish of peace, the change of thinking through the passing of time, and the changes of the society.