題名:『LP Book : Tinctura – Cloud』2014

Artist:Iseo Nose
Title: 『LP Book : Tinctura – Cloud』2014

2014年、ギャラリーノマル(大阪)で25周年記念イベント『能勢伊勢雄 ティンクトゥーラ展 – ゲーテ色彩論から』にて発表された。太陽系のカルマを内包して我々の眼前に現れる色彩の謎を再現した新作写真/版画作品。

First work ever to reproduce the Tinctura by photograph/engraving.
The Tinctura, which is coming out from the thick clouds from the typhoon caused the disaster in the west side of Japan using the Goethe color theory.
In 2014, at the 25-anniversary event held in Osaka Gallery Normal, the “Iseo Nose Tinctura Gallery, from the Goethe Color Theory” was announced.
Through packing the sun-like karma the photograph/engraving reproduces the color of mystery in which it appears in our eyes.
The entire work content is summed by the Goethe color theory, which are the written text “Goethe color theory and Tink Tula” and his artwork ranging up to 10,000characters and multiple work of LP board of four sets.
