作家:天狗寺陶白人(てんぐうじ とうはくじん)
Artist:Tenguuji Touhakujin
Title: ○△□
Material:Canvas, Ink
○ は、天地一指。天地は一本の指である。天地万物は均しく一つである。△ は、無事光明。仏教用語の無事の光。今日、無事に居られる事の素晴らしさ。□ は、清江独釣。入り江で一人、小船にのって釣り糸をたれる。
The Circle is Tenchi Isshi. The sky and the earth in a single finger. All creations are a single unit. The Triangle is Buji Koumyou. Buji-no-hikari in Buddhism term. The wonderfulness of having to live today. The Square is Seikou Dokuchou. Casting a fishing rod, alone on a boat in a creek.
In my school days, I was a member of the Junior Sea Friend’s Federation of Japan. Several times a year, we sailed cutter boats to Nao-shima. I recall the strenuous trainings. I believe we sailed from here, in this port. I wish to thank for this occasion; the display space, time and canvas I was generously given.