Artist: Yoshihiro Harada
Title: The Gathering
Material: Canvas, Oil paint
長い時が自分を変えた 川向こうへ行きたい どうやって?
それを描こう 自分の影で いや 人々の影で
何とか 変われるかもしれない 楽しいけど 必死に 酒でも飲んで
手が動くだろうか 笑うだろうか 今日も夜が歩いていく
睡魔がニコリとささやいて また ぼちぼちと歩いていく
The passage of time has changed me. How am I to cross the river?
I’ll draw it; using my, no, people’s shadows.
Perhaps then I can change; having fun yet drinking vigorously,
My hands, would they move? Would I laugh? As usual the night passes by,
The sandman whispers smiling, well then; off we go, walking.