Artist: Juichi Yoshikawa
Title: Ocean
Material: Ink(sumi)
私にとって平成15年(2003)に放送されたNHKの大河ドラマ・『武蔵』の題字揮毫(きごう)と、49回に亘る、タテ型 ヨコ型の揮毫は、武士道を貫き、「勝」の人生でしかなかった剣豪・宮本武蔵との12ヶ月間の競演でした。
For me, participating in the NHK(Japanese Broadcasting Corporation)’s year 2003 Historical TV Drama Series “Musashi” as a Sumi-painter, painting the opening credit title and the subtitles for each episode throughout the whole forty-nine episodes, in the vertical style and the horizontal style, it felt as if I was performing for twelve months with and against the Great Swordsman Musashi Miyamoto – who has lived the way of “Bushido”, and a life composed of “Winning”.
Musashi Miyamoto expressed his honour by his Katana, and I did the same with my brush. My honour and his share the same drive – the notion to
“Carve”. SHO(Sumi-ink Art), too, can be defined by its “Carving” movement – its sharpness, preciseness and exactness. Those three factors act as the ignition, and they give the sparkle to the SHO itself. I believe that in SHO, the lettering doesn’t have to be immaculate – but it has to be dynamic. The time I spend with my brush in my hand, I find myself never in a struggle but always having a pleasure.