Artist: Hiroko Oda
Titile: To the things we have
Material: Board, String, Traditional Japanese paper
希望を持ちたい。人と人が争うのでなく、民族と民族が争うのでなく、平和を創りだせる時が来ることを。そう願い続けたい。さわやかな季節はまもなく来る。そして冬 そして春・・・
I have thought a lot in the year 2014. It looks as if nature and the people are more disheveled. Will there be a time where people will stop killing other people?
A year after I was born, the year 1941, was when the war started. There were sorrow, pain and lost. This summer, I’d like to start new, thinking of that summer.
I want to have hope. Not for people fighting other people, or ethnic group fighting other ethnic groups.Hope for a time when we can make peace. That is all I hope for.. Another refreshing season will begin. Winter will soon come, then spring… .