題名:空色 海色
Artist: Yasuko Kobayashi
Title: The Sky’s Blue, the Sea’s Green
Material: Camphor tree leaves, Silk, Indigo dye
この「空色 海色」は、瀬戸内海に浮かぶある島で感じた空や海の色を表現したもの。山に囲まれて育った私にとって海のあるその島での時間はとても新鮮で、日常を忘れさせてくれました。日常にあるクスノキの葉っぱに、旅先で見た島の色をのせた作品です。
Using various pieces of the nature – pebbles, tree leaves and branches, egg shells – I create objects by binding the individuals with indigo-dyed threads, then gathering them together to create a “space”.
In “The Sky’s Blue, the Sea’s Green”, I expressed the sky and the sea I saw on an island of the Seto Inland Sea. As I grew inland, the time I spent on the island surrounded by the sea was a very curious occasion, allowing me to forget my everyday life. On ordinary camphor tree leaves, I applied the colours I saw on my visit to the island.